Reinforced Concrete Pipe
In 1987 Pre-con Products expanded its operation to include dry-cast machine made reinforced concrete pipe. After nearly two years of scrutiny by the major Southern California specifying agencies, Precon became the first approved manufacturer of machine made pipe in Southern California. That approval marked the beginning of an extraordinary transformation of our industry. Within two years, four of the seven long time suppliers of RCP pipe would shut down or stop manufacturing RCP and the remainder upgraded their manufacturing methods to stay competitive. The result was a more efficient industry that manufactures superior products to higher standards.
We are currently one of four producers, of RCP, in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. Our pipe is manufactured in lengths of 8’ and 4’ and ranges in size from 18” to 84” diameter. We provide various strengths and steel covers as required by the specifications. Our plant has the capability of producing fittings or can produce beveled pipe for line radius down to 22’
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